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  • Security of Investions

    Another question.

    Spain and Czech republic are changing their conditions for re-suppliers of PV-engery dramaticly:

    Google Übersetzer

    Google Übersetzer

    (translations of reports of a german PV-magazine)

    How do you estimate, that there is a similar Danger in Italiy? Italy is similar like Spain very-high doubded and the italian government continued the incentive program only very with reluctance.
    Ultima modifica di summerof69; 31-12-2010, 00:05. Motivo: Italian translation

  • #2
    Most of the people in this forum expect that the Italian government and energy agencies will honor the contractual obligations of PV energy feed-in tariffs. However, tariffs are likely to decrease faster than before. Year 2011 has been split in three periods of four months each, and tariffs will decrease in each period. Compared to year 2010, in the last period of 2011 tariffs will have decreased of 10% for small PV plants and of 25% for larger ones.

    I would expect that in 2012 tariffs will decrease at an even sharper rate.

    Of course, if Italy will default like Greece and Ireland, everything could happen, including that government bonds become junk and that the PV feed-in tariffs are no longer fulfilled at the agreed value...

    This is the worst case scenario that everybody in Italy hopes to avoid... (maybe Germans too)


    • #3
      Thanks for answering.

      Well-in Germany we have had two out-of-plan degressions this year too. Especially because of the dramatic drop in prices of the PV-modules - with the success that there got more plants in operation than ever more...

      This behavior however, caused problems with big projects, but seems still satisfactory.

      I've häd no problem in Germany and would have no problem with an similar action in Italy.

      But the changing the legal argument positon retrospectivelly would be unconstitutional in Germany, I think (I hope).

      Besides - everybody in Germany hopes that not such a great economy in the Euro-Zone like the italian will fail. German has without this scenario by now very great financial problems of course.


      • #4
        Non credo che in Italia si corra lo stesso pericolo, semplicemente perché le risorse dedicate agli incentivi del Conto Energia (fotovoltaico incluso) sono denaro già raccolto in bolletta da diversi anni e destinato a questo uso.

        Più volte i governi passati hanno cercato di utilizzare questi fondi per sostenere i propri bilanci, ma sono stati sempre bocciati dalla corte dei conti, perché quei soldi sono spendibili soltanto per le finalità indicate dalla Legge che ha istituito quel prelievo.

        Quello che hanno fatto altri Stati è ininfluente, perché le condizioni sono diverse. Chi accede al Conto Energia firma un regolare contratto pluriennale col GSE (ormai ente di diritto privato) e il GSE è garantito per quanto dovrà sborsare, proprio grazie a quei fondi e per tutta la durata contrattuale (20 anni).

        Il decremento delle tariffe è già stato previsto e arriverà ad annullare gli incentivi, ma nello stesso tempo le economie di scala e lo sviluppo tecnologico avranno permesso la riduzione del costo dei pannelli FV aumentandone la competitività anche senza incentivi.



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