Ho ricevuto un preventivo per un impianto da 15 KW integrato ; mi si propone moduli in Policristallino al prezzo di 6100€ al KW (Iva esclusa) .<br>mi sembra un po esagerato dato che mi sembra di aver capito che sono leggermente inferiori in termini di prestazioni ai moduli monocristallino
Ancora nessun annuncio.
Moduli Policristallino
<b>Kyocera plans to more than double PV capacity to 500 MW by 2011</b> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/8711f6b74ee07ddb703ebf2bffe8f0cf.gif" alt=":woot:"> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/8711f6b74ee07ddb703ebf2bffe8f0cf.gif" alt=":woot:"> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/8711f6b74ee07ddb703ebf2bffe8f0cf.gif" alt=":woot:"><br><br>June, 2007: Japan's Kyocera Corp. plans to more than double its PV cell and module production capacity from the current 240 MW to 500 MW by March 2011.<br><br>The company, which according to a PHOTON International estimate increased production from 142 MW in 2005 to about 180 MW in 2006 for a third-place ranking in worldwide cell production (see PI 3/2007, p. 136), will invest approximately ¥20 billion ($169.8 million) at its Yohkaichi production facility, where all of its cells are manufactured.<br><br>The goal, first mentioned in Nov. 2006 by Kyocera president Makoto Kawamura, was reaffirmed on April 18 when the Japanese electronics company revealed it had secured contracts with silicon producers »to ensure a steady increase in production capacity.« Kyocera did not give any details on its suppliers or the terms. But while the 500 MW goal sounds impressive, when compared with the targets of Chinese newcomers such as Solarfun, which only produced 19 MW of cells in 2006 but is already targeting a 360 MW capacity by 2008, the increase may not be enough to stop Kyocera from losing market share in the next few years.<br><br>Kyocera also plans to increase capacity at its four module manufacturing plants around the world. <b>But while increases will be made in China </b> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/4b234d37d5a5d4910a631ee75409524b.gif" alt=":blink:"> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/4b234d37d5a5d4910a631ee75409524b.gif" alt=":blink:"> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/4b234d37d5a5d4910a631ee75409524b.gif" alt=":blink:"> and Japan, the main emphasis will be on Europe and the US. It will invest ¥4 billion ($34.0 million) at its Mexican factory, increasing capacity from 35 to 150 MW by adding a new facility expected to be completed by March 2008 to supply its markets in the Americas and Australia. <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/8711f6b74ee07ddb703ebf2bffe8f0cf.gif" alt=":woot:"> <b>The company will also invest the same amount at its <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/43a620c165e85d265ea797f245a908c5.gif" alt=":P"> Czech factory by March 2011 for the European market, likewise increasing module capacity to 150 MW by installing equipment in a new facility that will double its current production area. By comparison, Kyocera only plans to increase module capacity to 90 MW at its <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/4b234d37d5a5d4910a631ee75409524b.gif" alt=":blink:"> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/43a620c165e85d265ea797f245a908c5.gif" alt=":P"> Chinese factory in Tianjin with an investment of about ¥1 billion ($8.5 million), </b> with the same amount planned for its Japanese module factory in Ise, where capacity will be expanded to 110 MW.<br><br><br> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/05c2c13d1ac03a4c4fa8b11e496b4628.gif" alt=""> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/05c2c13d1ac03a4c4fa8b11e496b4628.gif" alt=""> <b>Christoph Podewils<br> © PHOTON International, June 2007</b><br><br>i KYOCERA sono poli e costruiti in CINA <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/8711f6b74ee07ddb703ebf2bffe8f0cf.gif" alt=":woot:"> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/8711f6b74ee07ddb703ebf2bffe8f0cf.gif" alt=":woot:"> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/8711f6b74ee07ddb703ebf2bffe8f0cf.gif" alt=":woot:"> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/8711f6b74ee07ddb703ebf2bffe8f0cf.gif" alt=":woot:"> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/43a620c165e85d265ea797f245a908c5.gif" alt=":P"> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/43a620c165e85d265ea797f245a908c5.gif" alt=":P"> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/43a620c165e85d265ea797f245a908c5.gif" alt=":P"> !!!!<br><br>e menomale!!!!<br><br><br>pensa che a me un impianto cosi mi costa 65.500,00 <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/99b33f10b9e4310b3778648ae74837f5.gif" alt=":huh:"> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/99b33f10b9e4310b3778648ae74837f5.gif" alt=":huh:"><br>con Moduli KYOCERA o SUNTECH inv SMA <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/c08bbaa7401372de30260765073d6f83.gif" alt=""> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/c08bbaa7401372de30260765073d6f83.gif" alt=""> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/c08bbaa7401372de30260765073d6f83.gif" alt=""> ........senza<br><br>- cavi<br>- accessori<br>- mano d'opera (2-3 tecnici in trasferta!!<br>- trasporto<br>- vari sopraluoghi<br>- infinite telefonate e ripensamenti<br>- confronti telefonici e verbali con il progettista<br>- confronti telefonici e verbali con il geom o arch che peresenta la DIA<br>- scoranamenti con l'ENEL......<br>- compliacanze nell'esecuizione dell'opera considerando che è integrato e quindi va su un tetto che presumibilmente non molto comodo e allunga i tmpi di esecuzione<br>- e gli oneri della sicurezza e/o eventuali ponteggi?<br><br> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/4db0f58c4e47bb142820950261f66cad.gif" alt=":wacko:"> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/4db0f58c4e47bb142820950261f66cad.gif" alt=":wacko:"> <img src="http://codeandmore.com/vbbtest/images/customimages/4db0f58c4e47bb142820950261f66cad.gif" alt=":wacko:"><br><br>bohhhh vabbè!!<br><br>ciao raga e buon lavoro!!<br><br><span class="edit">Edited by econtek - 11/6/2007, 09:44</span>"MAKE YOUR ENERGY!!"
on SKYPE econtek-italy
"la vera sfida non è realizzare un impianto fotovoltaico, quanto grande si vuole, ma farlo funzionare bene per 20 anni!!!"
Scusa, ma se a te costa 65.500,00 cambia fornitori. Affermare "a me costa" può significare anche che non sai stare sul mercato. Comunque ad arrivare a 91.500,00 ti restano 26.000,00€ per il resto, può essere poco, il giusto o tanto, dipende.
snap ma sei sicuro di quello che dici ..........di 26000€ la meta se ne vanno di tasse la mano d'opera in regola e cavi e accessori fatte un po du conti!<br><br>ciaoooo"MAKE YOUR ENERGY!!"
on SKYPE econtek-italy
"la vera sfida non è realizzare un impianto fotovoltaico, quanto grande si vuole, ma farlo funzionare bene per 20 anni!!!"
<div align="center"><div class="quote_top" align="left"><b>CITAZIONE</b></div><div id="quote" align="left">Ho detto che può essere tanto, poco o il giusto. Dipende da dove devi installarli. Comunque il policristallino Kyocera o Suntech lo trovi a 3.1, 3.2€ per piccole forniture.</div></div><br>ciao sai dirmi dove li posso trovare a quel prezzo?<br><br>saluti<br>