Ciao ragazzi,
purtroppo non ho tempo di riprodurre fedelmente una traduzione in Italiano in questo momento, quindi vi riporto il testo integrale in inglese.
Naudin ha replicato con successo (sempre che non abbia fatto errori di misura) un esperimento molto interessante; in parole semplici gli atomi di Carbonio vengono trasmutati in un isotopo del Boro (radioattivo), questo isotopo decade nuovamente in 20 ms in Carbonio rilasciando 13 Mev, negli esperimenti da lui effettuati ha ottenuto un efficienza del 253%.
February 12 @ 12:07:12
A replication by JL Naudin - Dear all,
I have just updated my web site with a new interesting experiment report :
The Vallée Synergetic Generator (VSG) experiment
This experiment is fully based on the Prof René-Louis Vallée Synergetic theory. The purpose of this experiment is to find a simple and reproducible device which is able to produce the nuclear reaction claimed by the Prof R.L. Vallée.
The main material used in this device is a pure carbon rod. Here, the carbon is not consummed by the reaction, it acts as a pump Vs the Vacuum EM energy.
So, according to the Prof R.L. Vallée theory, the required condition to get the Synergetic effect is :
1. To align the fields of the electrons and the nucleus of the carbon atoms by the use of a colinear E-Field and B-Field,
2. the energy of external photons (g) is used to absorb the kinetic energy of the electrons,
3. so, the stopped electrons can be attracted by the carbon nucleus,
4. a nuclear reaction begins: the Carbon is transmutted into radioactive Boron
(which has a radioactive decay of 20ms)
5. then, the vacuum energy is tapped by the nucleus and the Boron is transmutted back to Carbon while a strong pulse of 13 Mev is sent (see the reaction below) .
This process is the called "Capture PROTELF " ( PROTon - ELectron Fusion) process by the Prof R.L. Vallée. A such process is able to produce up to 2.988 GW of Free Energy per gram of Carbon used, while the carbon is not consumed...
These tests of the VSG v2.0 are very interesting and need to be developped deeply. If the effects measured during these tests are not a simple measurement artifact, they can be directly related to the Prof R.L. Vallée Synergetic theory and thus, this can be a real breakthrough and opens a new path in free and clean energy production.
You will find all the photos, schematic diagrams, scope pictures and the tests results in my web site at :
Best Regards,
Jean-Louis Naudin
purtroppo non ho tempo di riprodurre fedelmente una traduzione in Italiano in questo momento, quindi vi riporto il testo integrale in inglese.
Naudin ha replicato con successo (sempre che non abbia fatto errori di misura) un esperimento molto interessante; in parole semplici gli atomi di Carbonio vengono trasmutati in un isotopo del Boro (radioattivo), questo isotopo decade nuovamente in 20 ms in Carbonio rilasciando 13 Mev, negli esperimenti da lui effettuati ha ottenuto un efficienza del 253%.
February 12 @ 12:07:12
A replication by JL Naudin - Dear all,
I have just updated my web site with a new interesting experiment report :
The Vallée Synergetic Generator (VSG) experiment
This experiment is fully based on the Prof René-Louis Vallée Synergetic theory. The purpose of this experiment is to find a simple and reproducible device which is able to produce the nuclear reaction claimed by the Prof R.L. Vallée.
The main material used in this device is a pure carbon rod. Here, the carbon is not consummed by the reaction, it acts as a pump Vs the Vacuum EM energy.
So, according to the Prof R.L. Vallée theory, the required condition to get the Synergetic effect is :
1. To align the fields of the electrons and the nucleus of the carbon atoms by the use of a colinear E-Field and B-Field,
2. the energy of external photons (g) is used to absorb the kinetic energy of the electrons,
3. so, the stopped electrons can be attracted by the carbon nucleus,
4. a nuclear reaction begins: the Carbon is transmutted into radioactive Boron
(which has a radioactive decay of 20ms)
5. then, the vacuum energy is tapped by the nucleus and the Boron is transmutted back to Carbon while a strong pulse of 13 Mev is sent (see the reaction below) .
This process is the called "Capture PROTELF " ( PROTon - ELectron Fusion) process by the Prof R.L. Vallée. A such process is able to produce up to 2.988 GW of Free Energy per gram of Carbon used, while the carbon is not consumed...
These tests of the VSG v2.0 are very interesting and need to be developped deeply. If the effects measured during these tests are not a simple measurement artifact, they can be directly related to the Prof R.L. Vallée Synergetic theory and thus, this can be a real breakthrough and opens a new path in free and clean energy production.
You will find all the photos, schematic diagrams, scope pictures and the tests results in my web site at :
Best Regards,
Jean-Louis Naudin