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  • #31
    Ci ho ripensato.
    Mi "autocensuro".
    In ultima analisi, vista la piega "polemica" del topic, sono giunto alla conclusione che non ne vale la pena.

    Ciò non toglie che i modi del Battaglia oltre ad essere MOLTO poco consoni ad un Forum, non mi piacciano proprio per nulla!!!



    Edited by gymania - 30/3/2007, 15:44


    • #32
      CITAZIONE (nuvolarossa @ 29/3/2007, 22:20)
      Premetto che quasi mai ( + mai che quasi ) condivido le idee del il Sig. Battaglia.
      Per cui mi associo alle idee di Tersite.

      Mi sa che stai facendo della confusione. Ma tanta. :wacko:
      Se spesso non condividi Battaglia il 'per cui' non ci acchiappa nemmeno un po'.

      Ho appena superato una brutta polmonite e sono molto felice che le industrie farmaceutiche abbiano prodotto gli antibiotici.
      Gli stregoni e simili o gli omeopati, mi avrebbero solo spianato la strada per il camposanto.
      Che le medicine siano un businnes invece che un diritto di tutti è una realtà che va combattuta.
      La medicina come la fisica sono scienze ed ogni medicina o esperimento deve sottostare a ferree regole scientifiche, tipo la priproduzione dell'esperimento o la comparazione con placebo del funzionamento di una medicina.
      Quante medicine omeopatiche hanno superato queste prove in caso di malattie vere e gravi? Probabilmente per il raffreddore o un attacco d'ansia funziona tutto basta aspettare o credere.
      L'omeopatia come la religione è un atto di fede.
      W la scienza con la S maiuscola-

      Un trionfo di retorica, luoghi comuni, pregiudizio e totale ignoranza sull'argomento.

      L'omeopatia ha tutte le carte in regola per essere una medicina preventiva e curativa solo nel lungo termine, in quanto ha come prerogativa principale la non-invasività.
      Tutte le prove scientifiche sono a disposizione di chi le voglia valutare. Esistono eccome. Basta volerle trovare.
      L'omeopatia non ha mai preteso, nè mai lo farà, di curare rapidamente patologie gravi.
      L'omeopatia sta alla medicina tradizionale come quest'ultima sta alla chirurgia. Se hai un arto in cancrena, non c'è antibiotico che tenga, va amputato. Lo stesso vale per l'omeopatia: se hai un problema grave, l'uso di terapie troppo blande non sarà mai utile.

      W il pregiudizio con la P maiuscola.

      Prima di sputare sentenze ti consiglio di informati, che è meglio. Puoi incominciare da qui:
      La ricerca scientifica in Medicina Omeopatica

      Studi clinici e di laboratorio scelti dalla letteratura scientifica internazionale.

      * Is evidence for homoeopathy reproducible?
      * Molecular mechanism of biological responses to homoeopathic medicines
      * The effect of highly diluted agitated thyroxine on the climbing activity of frogs
      * Effect of homeopathic drugs plumbum and opium on experimentally induced lead toxicity in rats
      * Treatment with zincum metallicum CH5 in patients with liver cirrhosis
      * Wound healing by homeopathic silica dilutions in mice
      * The clinical efficacy of Vertigoheel in the treatment of vertigo of various etiology
      * Different effects of homeopathic potencies and conventional dilutions on specific liver enzymes of rats
      * Effects of lowest levels of drugs--a contribution to homeopathy research
      * The use of homeopathy in treating diabetics
      * The late results of treatment with homeopathic agents in patients with prostatic adenoma
      * Aconite in homeopathic relief of post-operative pain and agitation in children
      * The in vitro action of a succussed substance on the proliferative response of human lymphocytes stimulated with phytohemagglutinin
      * Incidence of homeopathic treatment with cuprum 4 CH on the intestinal transit of mouse
      * Treatment of acute childhood diarrhea with homeopathic medicine: a randomized clinical trial
      * The effects of Arnica Montana on blood coagulation. Randomized controlled trial.
      * Effect of homoeopathic medicines on daily burden of symptoms in children with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections
      * Treatment of fever of unknown origin by homeopathy
      * Research in homeopathy: data, problems and prospects
      * Radiation hormesis
      * Clinical trials of homoeopathy

      Is evidence for homoeopathy reproducible?
      Reilly D; Taylor MA; Beattie NG; Campbell JH; McSharry C; Aitchison TC; Carter R; Stevenson RD
      University Department of Medicine, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, UK.
      Lancet, 344: 8937, 1994 Dec 10, 1601-6
      We tested, under independent conditions, the reproducibility of evidence from two previous trials that homoeopathy differs from placebo. The test model was again homoeopathic immunotherapy. 28 patients with allergic asthma, most of them sensitive to house-dust mite, were randomly allocated to receive either oral homoeopathic immunotherapy to their principal allergen or identical placebo. The test treatments were given as a complement to their unaltered conventional care. A daily visual analogue scale of overall symptom intensity was the outcome measure. A difference in visual analogue score in favour of homoeopathic immunotherapy appeared within one week of starting treatment and persisted for up to 8 weeks (p = 0.003). There were similar trends in respiratory function and bronchial reactivity tests. A meta-analysis of all three trials strengthened the evidence that homoeopathy does more than placebo (p = 0.0004). Is the reproducibility of evidence in favour of homoeopathy proof of its activity or proof of the clinical trial's capacity to produce false-positive results?

      Molecular mechanism of biological responses to homoeopathic medicines.
      Matsumoto J
      Columbia University, New York, NY 10025, USA.
      Med Hypotheses, 45: 3, 1995 Sep, 292-6
      Assuming that homeopathy is effective beyond the placebo effects, its biological explanation in favour of the hypothesis of the hydrate-structure formation is presented. Since cell-surface proteins are likely to be activated by the hydration-shell structure of molecules in some cases, the interaction between cell-surface proteins and the putative clathrate-like hydrate microcrystals formed during the homoeopathic dilution process is suggested as a primary molecular mechanism of biological responses to homoeopathic medicines. This paper examines the probable protein-microcrystal interaction, forcusing on the cases in which silicon dioxide (silica) microcrystals cause inflammation and in which hydrate microcrystals may be formed during general anesthesia.

      The effect of highly diluted agitated thyroxine on the climbing activity of frogs.
      Endler PC; Pongratz W; Kastberger G; Wiegant FA; Schulte J
      Ludwig Boltzmann-Institut for Homeopathy, Graz, Austria.
      Vet Hum Toxicol, 36: 1, 1994 Feb, 56-9
      We studied the influence of specially prepared highly diluted thyroxine on the spontaneous tendency of juvenile frogs, which were at the end of thyroxine-controlled metamorphosis, to leave the water and climb onto land. The test dilution with a thyroxine concentration beyond Avogadro's value (dilution thyroxine D30) and the reference (dilution water D30) were prepared according to directions from the literature on homeopathy. A few drops of these solutions were added to tap water of basins containing the frogs. The frogs' climbing activities were monitored immediately after adding the solutions. The hypothesis derived from a preliminary study was that there is less climbing activity in frogs treated with dilution thyroxine D30 than in a reference group. This hypothesis was proven. Climbing activity diminished under the influence of dilution thyroxine D30, with statistical significance both in comparison to the effect of the analogously prepared solvent (dilution water D30) as well as in comparison to control observations before the start of treatment. When in a later step of observation the dilution water D30-control group was treated with dilution thyroxine D30, the diminishing effect on activity also occurred.

      Effect of homeopathic drugs plumbum and opium on experimentally induced lead toxicity in rats.
      Begum R; Koshy R; Sengupta A
      Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, M.S. University of Baroda, India.
      Indian J Exp Biol, 32: 3, 1994 Mar, 192-5
      Homeopathic drugs plumbum 1M and Opium 30 were partially effective in the recovery of delta ALAD activity of the lead (150 mg% lead acetate) intoxicated rats. Plumbum 1M did not exhibit protective effect when dietary lead at high concentrations (> 25 mg% lead acetate) were given concurrently as assessed by blood delta ALAD activity and hemoglobin concentration. However it was partially effective in the recovery of delta ALAD activity and relieving anemia caused by chronic exposure of low doses of lead (below 15 mg% lead acetate).

      Treatment with zincum metallicum CH5 in patients with liver cirrhosis. Preliminary study.
      Badulici S; Chirulescu Z; Chirila P; Chirila M; Rosca A
      Christiana Center of Social Medicine, Bucharest, Romania.
      Rom J Intern Med, 32: 3, 1994 Jul-Sep, 215-9
      The zinc, an important enzymatic cofactor, is involved in many metabolic processes. Its deficiency might be due either to malabsorption or to excessive utilization. In the medical literature of the latest 10 years, zinc was considered to play a part in the immune processes. The authors of the present paper intend to study the zinc and immunoglobulin levels in various diseases, i.e., chronic progressive hepatitis, liver cirrhosis (LC), dermatitis, bronchial asthma. This preliminary investigation was carried out in 30 patients with LC in whom serum zinc values were assayed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and the immunoglobulin levels were determined using the Mancini type simple radial immunodiffusion technique. All these patients presented considerable decrease of serum zinc concentration, the values ranging between 3.06 and 7.65 mumol/l as compared with 19.8 +/- 1.5 mumol/l in the controls, alongside with the increase of immunoglobulins G and M. In the patients treated with Zincum metallicum CH5 it was observed after about 30 days of treatment that the clinical state was considerably improved and IgG and IgM as well as serum zinc had resumed their normal values. This treatment should not be interrupted since in LC, without permanent additional supply, the serum zinc returns rapidly to the initial deficit or even lower.

      Wound healing by homeopathic silica dilutions in mice
      Oberbaum M; Markovits R; Weisman Z; Kalinkevits A; Bentwich Z
      Ruth Ben-Ari Institute of Clinical Immunology, Kaplan Hospital, Rehovot.
      Harefuah, 123: 3-4, 1992 Aug, 79-82, 156
      Highly diluted solutions of silica are widely used in homeopathic medicine to treat lesions such as chronic wounds, ulcers, and abscesses. We tested the therapeutic effects of homeopathic dilutions of silica on induced chronic wounds. Holes were made in the ears of mice by dental wire, which then remained hanging from the ear to cause persistent mechanical irritation. In each experiment 3 or 4 groups of 10 mice each were treated by adding homeopathic dilutions of silica (10(-10), 10(-60), 10(-400)) and of saline (10(-10), respectively, to the drinking water of the mice for 4-20 days. The size of the wound holes was measured every second day (grades 0-4) and/or by an objective image analysis system. The results showed that in 7/11 experiments the ear holes of the silica-treated animals were significantly smaller (p less than 0.05-0.001) and healed faster than in those treated with saline. Also the therapeutic effect increased progressively with increase in dilution of the silica (10(-10) less than 10(-60) less than 10(-400)). These results show that homeopathic dilutions of silica (even well beyond Avogadro's number) clearly have a therapeutic effect on wound healing and that our experimental model for studying wound healing is a very useful tool for such studies.

      The clinical efficacy of Vertigoheel in the treatment of vertigo of various etiology.
      Morawiec-Bajda A; Lukomski M; Latkowski B
      ENT Clinic, Medical Academy in Lódz, Poland.
      Panminerva Med, 35: 2, 1993 Jun, 101-4
      In this paper the authors describe the clinical efficacy in treatment of vertigo of various etiology. A group of 31 patients were treated with Vertigoheel medication: 14 patients suffered from vertebrobasilar arterial insufficiency, 8 patients were diagnosed as Meniere's disease, 5 patients complained of vertigo of traumatic origin and 4 patients suffered from neuronitis vestibularis. The authors found regression of clinical symptoms in the majority of cases in the investigated group who were treated with Vertigoheel.

      Different effects of homeopathic potencies and conventional dilutions on specific liver enzymes of rats--an in vivo study
      Original Title
      Unterschiedliche Wirkungen von homöopathischen Potenzen und konventionellen Verdünnungen auf spezifische Leberenzyme der Ratte--ein in vivo Versuch.
      Theenhaus U; Dittmann J; Harisch G
      Institut für Physiologische Chemie, Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover.
      DTW Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr, 100: 12, 1993 Dec, 485-7
      It was searched for differing effects of homeopathic potencies and equally concentrated conventional dilutions. Activities of enzymes from three different subcellular compartments of the rat liver served as parameters for the evaluation. Especially in the D15/10(-15) range differences proved to be statistically relevant. The series with potentiated carrier substance, necessary from heuristic reasons and related to the homeopathic potencies, resulted in hitherto not understandable findings.

      Effects of lowest levels of drugs--a contribution to homeopathy research
      Original Title
      Effekte kleinster Wirkstoffmengen--ein Beitrag zur Homöopathie-Forschung.
      Harisch G; Kretschmer M; Riemann-Gürlich CE
      Institut für Physiologische Chemie, Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover.
      DTW Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr, 99: 8, 1992 Aug, 343-5
      After oral administration of homoeopathically prepared low-dose-amounts of Conium and Mercury phosphate to male Wistar rats enzymatic parameters were investigated in three subcellular compartments of the liver under blind conditions. 1. After seven single application of the substance amount referring to a D8 potency a maximum effect could be detected for both agents. 2. The relation between agent and magnitude of the provoked effect is not linear. 3. The importance of these results is discussed and integrated into a general context.

      The use of homeopathy in treating diabetics
      Original Title
      Primenenie gomeopatii v lechenii bol'nykh sakharnym diabetom.
      Mamchenko GF; Kolesova GP
      Vrach Delo, 11-12, 1992 Nov-Dec, 74-6
      The rationale of homeopathic treatment of diabetes mellitus (DM) with constitutional predisposition is discussed. On the basis of a detailed analysis of one case the author describes the method of homeopathic treatment of diabetes mellitus. The treatment is orientated not only on the treatment of DM but also of concomitant diseases with emphasis in the patients constitution. Minimal doses of homeopathic treatment used in 68 patients resulted in a statistically valid stable reduction of hyperglycemia and glucosuria. Stable subcompensation and compensation of DM allowed to decrease the dose of sugar reducing drugs.

      The late results of treatment with homeopathic agents in patients with prostatic adenoma
      Original Title
      Otdalennye rezul'taty lecheniia gomeopaticheskimi sredstvami bol'nykh s adenomoi predstatel'noi zhelezy.
      Vozianov AF; Simeonova NK
      Vrach Delo, 7, 1990 Jul, 93-5
      The results of treatment with homeopathic remedies in dilutions 10(-400), 10(-2000), 10(-20000) are represented. The informative energetic hologramic conception of homeopathy is proposed. The homeopathic drugs are considered as holograms and the human organic as a biohologram. The resonance is a mode of their interaction with a wide therapeutic effect as a result.

      Incidence of homeopathic treatment with cuprum 4 CH on the intestinal transit of mouse: preliminary study
      Original Title
      Incidence d'un traitement homéopathique par cuprum 4 CH sur le transit intestinal de la Souris: étude préliminaire.
      Santini R; Tessier M; Belon P; Pacheco H
      INSA, Laboratoire de Physiologie-Pharmacodynamie, Villeurbanne.
      C R Seances Soc Biol Fil, 184: 1, 1990, 55-8
      An homeopathic treatment with cuprum 4 CH, 24 and 5 hours before neostigmine (50 micrograms/kg/IP) administration has been done in the mouse. This treatment significantly reduces (Kruskal-Wallis: p less than 0.02) the faciliting action of neostigmine on intestinal transit.

      Aconite in homeopathic relief of post-operative pain and agitation in children
      Original Title
      Aconit en dilution homéopathique et agitation post-opératoire de l'enfant.
      Alibeu JP; Jobert J
      Département d'anesthésie-réanimation, CHU de Grenoble, France.
      Pediatrie (Bucur), 45: 7-8, 1990, 465-6
      Despite the use of modern analgesic methods and an improved use of narcotics, the combination pain-agitation sometimes persists in the recovery-room. Aconit seems to be an appropriate homeopathic treatment in this case. To prescribe it, the following conditions must be combined: violence and suddeness of the stress bringing about intense and anguish. The study included 50 children with such symptoms; it was carried out double-blind, the children being given either placebo or Aconit. Aconit proved to be effective for children's postoperative agitation with 95% good results. It is usually stated in such studies that the placebo effect is high and may reach rates higher than 30%. Aconit is an amazing cure when well prescribed, as much for the speediness of its action as for its efficiency. This remedy has a place in the recovery-room and should be in every physician's emergency case. The fundamental research could specify how the remedy works and may be discover other molecules effective for stress.

      The in vitro action of a succussed substance on the proliferative response of human lymphocytes stimulated with phytohemagglutinin.
      Chirila M; Hristescu S; Manda G; Neagu M; Olinescu A
      N. Gh. Lupu Institute of Internal Medicine, Bucharest, Romania.
      Rom J Intern Med, 30: 1, 1992 Jan-Mar, 63-7
      Human peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy controls, immunodepressed patients presenting chronic bacterial infections or neoplasias and from allergic patients were stimulated in vitro with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in culture medium supplemented or not with 1 x 10(-7), 1 x 10(-15) or 1 x 10(-30) succussed dilutions or bee venom or phosphorus in tridistilled water. The most significant inhibition due to DNA incorporation was noted in lymphocytes from allergic patients cultivated in media supplemented with 1 x 10(-30) succussed substance dilution in the presence of PHA. The cells from immunodepressed patients did not show a significant inhibition at 1 x 10(-30) dilution. Hypothetically, we try to explain these findings as the expression of the changes induced by the succussed solution on the water molecule which in turn, influences the chemical structure of the cellular membrane and implicitly, its functions.

      Treatment of acute childhood diarrhea with homeopathic medicine: a randomized clinical trial in Nicaragua
      Jacobs J; Jiménez LM; Gloyd SS; Gale JL; Crothers D
      Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle.
      Pediatrics, 93: 5, 1994 May, 719-25
      OBJECTIVE. Acute diarrhea is the leading cause of pediatric morbidity and mortality worldwide. Oral rehydration treatment can prevent death from dehydration, but does not reduce the duration of individual episodes. Homeopathic treatment for acute diarrhea is used in many parts of the world. This study was performed to determine whether homeopathy is useful in the treatment of acute childhood diarrhea. METHODOLOGY. A randomized double-blind clinical trial comparing homeopathic medicine with placebo in the treatment of acute childhood diarrhea was conducted in León, Nicaragua, in July 1991. Eighty-one children aged 6 months to 5 years of age were included in the study. An individualized homeopathic medicine was prescribed for each child and daily follow-up was performed for 5 days. Standard treatment with oral rehydration treatment was also given. RESULTS. The treatment group had a statistically significant (P < .05) decrease in duration of diarrhea, defined as the number of days until there were less than three unformed stools daily for 2 consecutive days. There was also a significant difference (P < .05) in the number of stools per day between the two groups after 72 hours of treatment. CONCLUSIONS. The statistically significant decrease in the duration of diarrhea in the treatment group suggests that homeopathic treatment might be useful in acute childhood diarrhea. Further study of this treatment deserves consideration.

      The effects of Arnica Montana on blood coagulation. Randomized controlled trial (published erratum appears in Can Fam Physician 1994 Feb;40:225)
      Original Title
      Les effets de l'Arnica Montana sur la coagulation sanguine. Essai clinique randomisé.
      Baillargeon L; Drouin J; Desjardins L; Leroux D; Audet D
      Unité de recherche clinique en médecine familiale, Centre hospitalier de l'Université Laval.
      Can Fam Physician, 39:1993 Nov, 2362-7
      The purpose of this study, which took the form of a two-period cross-over clinical trial, was to determine whether a homeopathic substance, Arnica Montana, significantly decreased bleeding time (Simplate II) and to describe its impact on various blood coagulation tests. It was not shown that this substance had a significant impact on various parameters of blood coagulation in healthy volunteers in the period immediately following administration [corrected].

      Effect of homoeopathic medicines on daily burden of symptoms in children with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections
      de Lange de Klerk ES; Blommers J; Kuik DJ; Bezemer PD; Feenstra L
      Vakgroep Epidemiologie en Biostatistiek, Faculteit der Geneeskunde, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
      BMJ, 309: 6965, 1994 Nov 19, 1329-32
      OBJECTIVE--To investigate the intrinsic effects of individually prescribed homoeopathic medicines. DESIGN--Randomised double blind placebo controlled study. SETTING--Paediatric outpatient department of university hospital. PATIENTS--175 children with frequently recurring upper respiratory tract infections. Of the 170 children evaluable, 86 were randomised to homoeopathic medicines (47 boys, 39 girls; median age at start 4.2 years; median number of episodes in past year 4) and 84 to placebo (43 boys, 41 girls; median age at start 3.6 years; median number of episodes in past year 4). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Mean score for daily symptoms, number of antibiotic courses, and number of adenoidectomies and tonsillectomies over one year of follow up. RESULTS--The mean daily symptom score was 2.61 in the placebo group and 2.21 in the treatment group (difference 0.41; 95% confidence interval -0.02 to 0.83). In both groups the use of antibiotics was greatly reduced compared with that in the year before entering the trial (from 73 to 33 in the treatment group and from 69 to 43 in the placebo group). The proportion of children in the treatment group having adenoidectomies was lower in the treatment group (16%, 8/50) than in the placebo group (21%, 9/42). The proportion having tonsillectomies was the same in both groups (5%). CONCLUSION--Individually prescribed homoeopathic medicines seem to add little to careful counselling of children with recurrent upper respiratory tract infection in reducing the daily burden of symptoms, use of antibiotics, and need for adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy.

      Treatment of fever of unknown origin by homeopathy
      Altman M
      Outpatient Homeopathy Clinic, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer.
      Harefuah, 126: 6, 1994 Mar 15, 317-20, 368, 367
      2 cases of fever of unknown origin (FUO) treated successfully by homeopathy are presented. The purpose is to show the effectiveness of homeopathy as adjuvant therapy for those in whom the full medical diagnostic process, assessment, and treatment are not effective. In a 12-year-old boy fever and abdominal pain persisted for several months despite various medical treatments. All symptoms disappeared following homeopathic treatment. In a 66-year-old man fever and other symptoms also disappeared after such treatment. We emphasize that homeopathy is not a substitute for the full conventional medical diagnostic investigation and treatment of FUO. Homeopathy should only be practiced by medical doctors to avoid, to the greatest extent, diagnostic and therapeutic errors.
      Research in homeopathy: data, problems and prospects
      Original Title
      Ricerca in omeopatia: dati, problemi e prospettive.
      Bellavite P
      Istituto di Chimica e Microscopia Clinica, Università degli Studi, Verona.
      Ann Ist Super Sanita, 26: 2, 1990, 179-87
      In the recent years the interest for the therapeutic use of exogenous and endogenous natural compounds, that are also employed at very low dosage, is growing up. In this context, an important role is played by homoeopathic medicine, which is involving increasing number of physicians and researchers, besides the common people. Here a critical approach to the problem of homoeopathy theory and research is attempted. The traditional concepts of the homoeopathy are challenged with the modern knowledge arising from basic and applied research. It is shown that at least a part of these concepts may find a good correspondence into the modern physiopathology. However, a number of problems, both of biological-biomedical and of practical nature remain unresolved. Moreover, any explanation of the effect of extremely diluted drugs is still hypothetical. In the second part of the work, laboratory investigations regarding the test of the homoeopathic drugs and of ultra-low doses of various substances in several experimental models are reviewed. Even if the evidence is far from to be conclusive, a number of studies showed that compounds, that are prepared and diluted according to the methods of the homoeopathic medicine, may exhibit specific stimulatory or inhibitory activities in selected experimental systems.

      Radiation hormesis.
      Macklis RM; Beresford B
      Dept. of Radiation Therapy, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115.
      J Nucl Med, 32: 2, 1991 Feb, 350-9
      "Radiation hormesis" is the name given to the putative stimulatory effects of low level ionizing radiation (generally in the range of 1-50 cGy of low-LET radiation). Based on historical and pharmacologic principles reminiscent of some of the major tenets of homeopathy, most of these effects are now generally ascribed to protective feedback systems that, upon exposure to low concentrations of toxins, proceed to stimulate metabolic detoxification and repair networks. The activation of these networks may then result in net beneficial effects on the cell, organism or species. Discussions of possible stimulatory effects of low levels of ionizing radiation have recently become entangled with the separate but related question of whether a threshold dose level exists on the radiotoxicologic dose-response curve. This review summarizes some of the relevant historical and scientific data bearing on the question of radiation hormesis. We find the data in support of most of the hormesis postulates intriguing but inconclusive.

      Clinical trials of homoeopathy
      Kleijnen J; Knipschild P; ter Riet G
      Department of Epidemiology and Health Care Research, University of Limburg, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
      BMJ, 302: 6772, 1991 Feb 9, 316-23
      OBJECTIVE--To establish whether there is evidence of the efficacy of homoeopathy from controlled trials in humans. DESIGN--Criteria based meta-analysis. Assessment of the methodological quality of 107 controlled trials in 96 published reports found after an extensive search. Trials were scored using a list of predefined criteria of good methodology, and the outcome of the trials was interpreted in relation to their quality. SETTING--Controlled trials published world wide. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Results of the trials with the best methodological quality. Trials of classical homoeopathy and several modern varieties were considered separately. RESULTS--In 14 trials some form of classical homoeopathy was tested and in 58 trials the same single homoeopathic treatment was given to patients with comparable conventional diagnosis. Combinations of several homoeopathic treatments were tested in 26 trials; isopathy was tested in nine trials. Most trials seemed to be of very low quality, but there were many exceptions. The results showed a positive trend regardless of the quality of the trial or the variety of homeopathy used. Overall, of the 105 trials with interpretable results, 81 trials indicated positive results whereas in 24 trials no positive effects of homoeopathy were found. The results of the review may be complicated by publication bias, especially in such a controversial subject as homoeopathy. CONCLUSIONS--At the moment the evidence of clinical trials is positive but not sufficient to draw definitive conclusions because most trials are of low methodological quality and because of the unknown role of publication bias. This indicates that there is a legitimate case for further evaluation of homoeopathy, but only by means of well performed tria

      "Una nuova verità scientifica non trionfa perché i suoi oppositori si convincono e vedono la luce, quanto piuttosto perché alla fine muoiono, e nasce una nuova generazione a cui i nuovi concetti diventano familiari." Max Planck


      • #33
        CITAZIONE (stranger @ 28/3/2007, 09:35)
        Una persona infettatta da ebola devi dare forti dosi di antibiotici altrimenti muore stecchito nel giro di poche ore, ovviamente ci saranno effetti collaterali ma meglio gli effetti collaterali che la morte certa.

        Mi piacerebbe vedere una persona gravemente ammalata, curata con l'emepatia per vedere che fine fa.

        Finchè si tratta di cure ricostituienti o altre cose inrilevanti l'omeopatia va bene, ma quando la cosa è seria bisogna essere seri e allora l'omeopatia non va più bene.

        Ebola è provocato da un virus e non esiste alcun farmaco, nè antibiotico nè antivirus nè omeopatico che abbia efficacia. La mortalità è del 90%. Non esiste ancora nemmeno un vaccino. Direi che se ti becchi l'Ebola hai le stesse identiche probabilità di cavartela sia se ti curano tutti i luminari della medicina italiana sia se ti fa la tisana nonna Pinuccia. Non mi preoccuperei degli effetti collaterali. <img src=">

        Il dibattito sull'omeopatia è molto più aspro e vivace in ambito medico professionale che in ambito "non addetti ai lavori", garantisco. E, se pure continua a mancare la prova evidente e incontrovertibile, sono moltissimi i medici (regolarmente laureati e abilitati alla professione) che si avvalgono dell'omeopatia come terapia ausiliaria se non primaria in moltissimi casi. Dire che il tumore o la polmonite acuta la curi meglio con i farmaci della medicina tradizionale è quasi pleonastico per un medico. Nessuno, nemmeno i più accaniti omeoterapeuti, si sognerebbero di somministrare una monodose di mercurius solubilis a un bambino con chiari segni di polmonite acuta in atto sperando nel miracolo. Chi lo facesse si assumerebbe un'enorme responsabilità professionale, dato che il dovere del medico è garantire al paziente la terapia più adatta.
        Questo non toglie che sono centinaia le patologie dove la medicina ufficiale "toppa" in maniera evidente e non garantisce affatto la guarigione che la gente si immagina. In questi casi le terapie omeopatiche trovano il loro spazio e il "sospetto" che non siano "acqua fresca" è diffuso in ambiente medico.
        In omeopatia, forse più che in altre branche, la competenza del medico è basilare. Mentre nella medicina ufficiale la difficoltà sta tutta nella fase di diagnosi e una volta etichettato il problema i protocolli terapeutici sono abbastanza standardizzati, nell'omeopatia non esistono patologie singole, ma sindromi correlate al particolare stato del paziente e l'abilità del medico sta molto nell'adattare la terapia al singolo paziente. Cosa non semplice e che comporta spesso molti aggiustamenti terapeutici. Questo contrasta fortemente con la mentalità ufficiale che ha sviluppato munizioni sicuramente efficaci, pur se limitate a campi specifici.
        Se si pretende di giudicare l'efficacia dei farmaci omeopatici con le metodologie classiche questi aspetti vanno tenuti in considerazione.

        Io personalmente sono paziente omeopatico da anni (sono medico, ma non ne so nulla quindi mi affido ad altri :P ) e ne sono totalmente soddisfatto, so dove può essere utile e dove invece devo affidarmi al collega "ufficiale" e sinceramente non mi sento boccalone preda della Wanna Marchi di turno. Poi ognuno resta libero di farsi la propria opinione, ovvio.
        “Il fatto che un'opinione sia ampiamente condivisa non è affatto una prova che non sia completamente assurda.” Bertrand Russell


        • #34
          Caro elettro
          CONCLUSIONS--At the moment the evidence of clinical trials is positive but not sufficient to draw definitive conclusions because most trials are of low methodological quality and because of the unknown role of publication bias. This indicates that there is a legitimate case for further evaluation of homoeopathy, but only by means of well performed tria

          E' grosso modo quello che avrei scritto io, a parte la lingua.

          Ogni problema complesso ha una soluzione semplice. Ma è sbagliata
          Quando gli dei sono adirati contro un popolo mandano un filosofo a governarlo


          Attendi un attimo...