Cercando su Google patents ho trovato questo, segnalato anche in un altro forum (vedi citazione a fine post). Qualcuno ne sa qualcosa?
"I was granted U.S. patent 3,890,161, DIODE ARRAY in 1975 on a chip which absorbs uniform ambient surrounding heat as it transforms thermal energy into a matching yield of electrical power. The chip, in mature form, will consist of billions of nanometer scale diodes in consistent alignment that rectify and aggregate radio frequency thermal noise into D.C. electricity. The diodes are in parallel first so the diode currents bypass each other. For any instant of time the froward current that a random half of the diodes release will overwhelm the low reverse current released by the other half of the diodes. The net forward current of the diodes is aggregated into useful power at low voltage. Groups of diodes in parallel are then connected in series to build higher voltage.
The electrons move uphill into the buss voltage within the source diode so they loose momentum so they become colder. The loss of thermal energy is equal to the gain of electrical energy released from the buss.
The power needed to alter the width of the depletion region at the junction, which determines the conductivity of a diode, is deducted from the thermal noise leaving net rectified power meaning that less power is needed to sort the random power than is supplied by the random thermal power. This means that a varient of Maxwell's demon, Smoluchowski's trapdoor, applied to electrons will work.
The concept was tested in 1993 where more power than ~2 nanowatts, the power a single diode can yield, 1 /2 kTB where 1 / 2 accounts for rectification, k=Boltzmann's constant, T=temperature in Kelvins and B= 1 THz, the upper frequency limit of thermal noise, was measured from a chip consisting of ~5,600 Au dot anodes surrounded by SiO2 on a n GaAs substrate. The chip produced ~50 nanowatts as ~50 millivolts across 50 K ohms under professional test conditions, showing feasibility.
This experiment should be corroborated.
Practical diode arrays require nanofabrication of arrays containing a great number of nanometer scale diodes.
Future appliances would get all the energy they were designed for from ordinary air or water. This energy would be clean, cheap, widely available, safe, quiet, reliable, and not emit greenhouse gas. Furthermore, air conditioning would release electricity instead of consuming it, which is more sensible. Small appliances would work cordlessly anywhere in the world out of the box. Diode arrays in computers with minor inputs and outputs would recycle the heat from the operating chips so the system would not release heat or need external power while using lots of high power high speed logic.
I want this to be commercialized without licensing restrictions on the diode array or its applications involving all humanity in synergistic development.
Charles M. Brown
Kilauea, Kauai, Hawaii"
"I was granted U.S. patent 3,890,161, DIODE ARRAY in 1975 on a chip which absorbs uniform ambient surrounding heat as it transforms thermal energy into a matching yield of electrical power. The chip, in mature form, will consist of billions of nanometer scale diodes in consistent alignment that rectify and aggregate radio frequency thermal noise into D.C. electricity. The diodes are in parallel first so the diode currents bypass each other. For any instant of time the froward current that a random half of the diodes release will overwhelm the low reverse current released by the other half of the diodes. The net forward current of the diodes is aggregated into useful power at low voltage. Groups of diodes in parallel are then connected in series to build higher voltage.
The electrons move uphill into the buss voltage within the source diode so they loose momentum so they become colder. The loss of thermal energy is equal to the gain of electrical energy released from the buss.
The power needed to alter the width of the depletion region at the junction, which determines the conductivity of a diode, is deducted from the thermal noise leaving net rectified power meaning that less power is needed to sort the random power than is supplied by the random thermal power. This means that a varient of Maxwell's demon, Smoluchowski's trapdoor, applied to electrons will work.
The concept was tested in 1993 where more power than ~2 nanowatts, the power a single diode can yield, 1 /2 kTB where 1 / 2 accounts for rectification, k=Boltzmann's constant, T=temperature in Kelvins and B= 1 THz, the upper frequency limit of thermal noise, was measured from a chip consisting of ~5,600 Au dot anodes surrounded by SiO2 on a n GaAs substrate. The chip produced ~50 nanowatts as ~50 millivolts across 50 K ohms under professional test conditions, showing feasibility.
This experiment should be corroborated.
Practical diode arrays require nanofabrication of arrays containing a great number of nanometer scale diodes.
Future appliances would get all the energy they were designed for from ordinary air or water. This energy would be clean, cheap, widely available, safe, quiet, reliable, and not emit greenhouse gas. Furthermore, air conditioning would release electricity instead of consuming it, which is more sensible. Small appliances would work cordlessly anywhere in the world out of the box. Diode arrays in computers with minor inputs and outputs would recycle the heat from the operating chips so the system would not release heat or need external power while using lots of high power high speed logic.
I want this to be commercialized without licensing restrictions on the diode array or its applications involving all humanity in synergistic development.
Charles M. Brown
Kilauea, Kauai, Hawaii"