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  • Raccolta informazioni sul MEG

    Ciao a tutti vi fornisco l'indirizzo dove vi ho facilitato il compito e ho messo on-line tutti i documenti possibili sull'effetto Aharonov-Bohm ,Fase di Berry MEG etc. etc.
    Buona lettura

    Documenti on line

  • #2
    Ciao a tutti

    C'è qualcuno che ha letto la Hitchhiker’s Guide to the “Free Energy?
    Magari può aiutarci ...

    A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the “Free Energy” September 8, 2002 This article by Jacco van der Worp a Dutch physicist, explains the “free energy” Magnetic Energy Generator MEG simply, in layman’s terms. I worked closely with Jacco on this project and sent a polite request to Lee Kenny, one of the MEG principals for assistance. His quick response was controlling and reeked of paranoia. “You are NOT AUTHORIZED by MEL to publish any information regarding the MEG.” (Readers can view and comment on the full text via the YOWUSA message board post, MEG -- Masters and Kenny.) At first, his paranoid reply puzzled me, but as we further investigated the MEG we came to understand the paranoia and it chilled our blood. Perhaps this particular genie should be left in the bottle.


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