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  • Meg2

    Ciao a tutti

    Secondo questa e_mail ci sono i primi riscontri
    positivi da parte di un meg-builder ...

    Saluti. Stefano

    Hi All,
    after the new Bearden MEG-2, now also
    Jon Flickinger has verified, that a MEG can be overunity.
    His latest tests show COP=1.32.

    I have uploaded his proof of concept measurement GIF pic
    over here:

    Here is, what he wrote.
    These are several messages pasted together for clearer understanding.


    Attached is the file MEG_se1.gif showing a set of traces for a MEG
    configuration utilizing the ideas presented earlier regarding fast switching
    of the MEG primaries and their flux with a relative constant current supply.

    The primaries are in series and are switched at a 50% duty cycle with one
    (1) FET only. The output loads are purely resistive 45K resistors with the
    output voltage taken across 1/3 or 15K of the total load. The frequency is

    Input power is .0516 x 150 = 7.74 watts. Output power is (160 x 3)^2 / 45e3
    x 2 = 10.24 watts.

    Cop = 1.32


    Jon F


    IMO, there are several factors for the modest OU in my latest MEG version.
    First, the input and output coils are constructed of flat ribbon lead which
    reduces the inter-winding capacitance considerably. Second, this low
    self-capacitance of the windings allows the fast switching transitions of
    the flux in the core. Although the device may also be utilizing the A-field,
    I personally think at this time that the device is flux operated but more
    testing is needed to confirm this one way or the other.

    Regarding the series connected coils, if the coils are connected in
    parallel, there is no OU but this may be specific to this configuration. If
    the coils are moved toward the center PM assembly, the output increases.
    This is contrary to a MEG operating as a normal transformer. The 50KHz
    frequency gives the highest output at present. BTW, the PM assembly is a
    very modest 1/2" dia NIB stack at present.

    The power supplies are not running in a constant current mode for this MEG
    test as they were in the earlier low repetition tests. The relatively
    constant current drawn from the supply is a result of conduction during only
    half of the complete cycle.

    I have a busy day ahead of me but plan to get back to the lab this evening
    for more testing. I can also post pix later as well.


    Jon F

    Hi Stefan,

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "overunity2001"

    [snip some stuff]

    (Jon said-)

    > > An interesting experiment for anyone to perform in this regard is to
    power a
    > > MEG like structure from a constant current source thru the primaries in
    > > series connection and then open the primaries with a very low duty
    > > IOW, keep the current on the primaries for a long duration between
    > > and measure the resultant output in the loads and compare to the input
    > > power. Now increase the "off" duty cycle and observe the results and
    > > the differences between a low duty cycle and 50%.
    > > IMO, these difference give hints as to how OU may be extracted from this
    > > type of device.

    (Stefan responded-)

    > Good idea. Well if you still have your MEG, maybe you can do this in
    > the future ?

    I have already run these tests in the past but I've attached a file with
    scope pix to show an example of what I mean. The traces are self explanatory
    with the exceptions noted below. I should add that the primaries and
    secondaries used on the AMCC-125 core are low self-capacitance windings and
    are key to this operation.

    Please note the supply voltage of 1 volt DC and that's not a typo. The
    current is limited to 100 ma and the actual circuit operating voltage is
    ~.65 volts leaving a compliance of ~ .35 volts.

    The gate drive signal shown is a complement of the actual gate drive signal
    for the circuitry. IOW, the FET driving the primaries is actually "off"
    during the CH1 gate drive time of 1.5us. The repetition rate is 20 Hz for
    each cycle.

    Please notice the fast rise time of ~400ns of the drain voltage at the
    FET's turn off and also the peak ~ 460 volt peak level it reaches. Also
    notice the corresponding increase in the output voltage waveform. There are
    two identical outputs and the load resistors are 45K ohms on each side. The
    output voltage shown is 1/3 that of the actual value across the load
    resistors. IOW, each load resistor is made up of 3-15K resistors in series
    and the output voltage is measured across 1-15K resistor.

    So, doing some calculations, the input energy during the 1.5 us turn-off is
    ~ .15 uJ. The output energy for each side is ~ 4.7uJ or 9.4uJ total. This
    equates to a COP of ~ 63.

    Now it is true that this is only 1/2 cycle of a real operating MEG and it is
    also operating at a low repetition rate plus there is some loss to the
    primary fields as is indicated by the 20% reduction in current. However, the
    idea is that if this level of flux field energy can be maintained on a
    continual cycle by cycle basis as it is maintained in this example by the
    constant current, OU is apparently possible.


  • #2
    Ciao a tutti

    Continuano ad arrivare a raffica conferme un pò da tutte le parti ...

    che dire ... evviva, replichiamolo anche noi ...


    Hi All,
    I have uploaded now here:

    the guessed complete circuit diagram of the Bearden MEG-2 device.

    Please pay attention to the wiring of the 2 input coils !
    As Jon pointed also out, they must be in series and in the same
    winding direction to get an OU effect !

    Enjoy ! Hopefully there will be soon some
    replications and some scaleups.

    Regards, Stefan.

    Dipl. Ing. Stefan Hartmann
    Hartmann Multimedia Service
    Keplerstr. 11 B, 10589 Berlin, Germany


    • #3
      Ciao a tutti

      Rettifica di Jon Flickinger:


      Much to my disappointment, I have discovered a measurement error that
      reduces the COP<1. The output loads are 30K ohms each side and the voltage
      shown in the traces is therefore 1/2 of the actual output.

      Sorry about that but the constant current data is still valid.



      • #4
        Ciao a tutti

        Probabile config. per gli avv. attuatori del Meg2:

        From the new Meg pictures, some things are to my understanding quite

        a) The input coils are really, really thin. No more than the width of the wire.
        They are probably perfect spirals.
        b) The input is an H-brige configuration.
        c) High frequency and high voltage does not seem to be a requirment for a
        successful MEG.


        • #5
          Eccomi di nuovo

          Ulteriori informazioni che ho ricevuto da Hartmann:

          I believe, that the new MPEG-2
          just uses a simple 74C14 hex inverter ( with schmitt trigger)

          4069 hex inverter

          for the driver circuit.
          The resistors and caps around it are designed to produce
          a square wave at around 15 Khz and the
          4 FET or transistor bridge is driven by the last inverters from this
          14 pin IC hex inverter circuit.

          The 2 input coils are probably in series and then when the square
          wave is ON, the 2 coils in series push the flux from the permanent
          magnet from the right leg to the left leg and when the square wave is
          OFF, the coils are switched in polarity so that the flux is pushed
          from the right leg to the left leg.

          Very easy operation.

          The trick is probably in the right working point on the BH curve of
          the core and the fact, that the input coils just are so small in
          width, this makes the flux volume they cover of the core very small
          and thus the counterEMF from the secondary coils are probably very
          small, so there is the gain in OU.
          The power gain is probably directly converted from the surrounding
          environmental heat to electrical energy via the magnets and the core,
          so these should get at least 1 or 2 deegrees colder.

          Regards, Stefan.


          • #6
            provero a modificare il circuito e a dirti che ne viene fuori.Quello che ti posso dire e' che certi personaggi avevano gia' detto di aver replicato la prima versione del MEG ma poi uno si era sbagliato (Flick...) mentre l'altro addirittura ne inventava uno suo (easyMeg) ealtre cosucce...
            Di novita non ne vedo alcuna......(ho messo un piccolo doc sulle misure del MEG2 se ti interessa).
            Bye bye


            • #7
              CITAZIONE (sandro-meg @ 5/5/2004, 00:32)
              provero a modificare il circuito e a dirti che ne viene fuori.Quello che ti posso dire e' che certi personaggi avevano gia' detto di aver replicato la prima versione del MEG ma poi uno si era sbagliato (Flick...) mentre l'altro addirittura ne inventava uno suo (easyMeg) ealtre cosucce...
              Di novita non ne vedo alcuna......(ho messo un piccolo doc sulle misure del MEG2 se ti interessa).
              Bye bye

              Ok ... vai Sandro siamo tutti con te ...

              Saluti Stefano.


              Attendi un attimo...